Dist-Upgrade Issues
2006-11-11 22:43:05 UTC

With many others I was having the problem of a "DIST-UPGRADE" wanting
to remove my working kernels.

Using the apt-get optin of "UPGRADE" did not do this.

I suspect that my sources.list entries were the problem, so I commented
out all except TESTING and SECURITY:

# deb file:///cdrom/ sarge main extra local
# these lines were automatically edited by demudi-base, don't touch!

# aGNUla/DeMuDi APT repository, should be enough for most people
# deb http://apt.agnula.org/demudi/ testing main local extra
# deb http://demudi.agnula.org/packages/demudi/ stable main
deb http://demudi.agnula.org/packages/demudi/ testing main
# deb http://demudi.agnula.org/packages/demudi/ 1.3.0 main



# official Debian archives
deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main contrib non-free
# deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian/ stable main contrib non-free
deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian/ testing main contrib non-free
# deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free
# deb-src http://http.us.debian.org/debian/ unstable main contrib
# Debian testing snapshot. Uncomment this line if you want to access
# the whole Debian pool
# deb http://snapshot.debian.net/archive/2004/07/14/debian/ testing
main contrib non-free


Doing this created a "DIST-UPGRADE" that DID NOT try to remove my
kernels. Exception to a viable "DIST-UPGRADE" is that it seemed to
remove anything that began with "demudi-", such as "demudi-recording"
et al.

So at the moment I appear to have a demudi free system...lol.

I also have experienced the issue of not being able to log in as a
regular user, only as root. My username is listed int he selection box
for Gnome, and I am prompted for a password, but I am returned to the
login screen in a few seconds time.

I remember during the upgrade I was told to manually add users to a
group called "users", for what now I don't remember. I did so, and
still no joy. I can still only log in as root.

So, my current questions would be:

1. Did I do right by changing my sources.list file to the current

2. How do I get my users able to log in to Gnome?

3. How do I restore demudi?

Thanks for the help.


tim hall
2006-11-12 09:31:41 UTC
Post by s***@netzero.net
I suspect that my sources.list entries were the problem, so I commented
Doing this created a "DIST-UPGRADE" that DID NOT try to remove my
kernels. Exception to a viable "DIST-UPGRADE" is that it seemed to
remove anything that began with "demudi-", such as "demudi-recording"
et al.
Yep, the demudi-* packages are obsolete AFAIK. You only need the actual demudi
package itself. This all sounds good so far. ;)
Post by s***@netzero.net
So at the moment I appear to have a demudi free system...lol.
No, I think you're ok.
Post by s***@netzero.net
I also have experienced the issue of not being able to log in as a
regular user, only as root. My username is listed int he selection box
for Gnome, and I am prompted for a password, but I am returned to the
login screen in a few seconds time.
I remember during the upgrade I was told to manually add users to a
group called "users", for what now I don't remember. I did so, and
still no joy. I can still only log in as root.
1. Did I do right by changing my sources.list file to the current
Post by s***@netzero.net
2. How do I get my users able to log in to Gnome?
Go change the users password (as root) see:
man passwd

tim hall
We are the people We've been waiting for.
2006-11-12 13:02:51 UTC
Post by tim hall
Post by s***@netzero.net
I suspect that my sources.list entries were the problem, so I commented
Doing this created a "DIST-UPGRADE" that DID NOT try to remove my
kernels. Exception to a viable "DIST-UPGRADE" is that it seemed to
remove anything that began with "demudi-", such as "demudi-recording"
et al.
Yep, the demudi-* packages are obsolete AFAIK. You only need the
actual demudi
Post by tim hall
package itself. This all sounds good so far. ;)
Okay, well, I lost Ardour. Guess reinstalling some stuff is inevitable?
And for some reason my PCM output is distorted.

And of course, now that I'm on TESTING branch, I can't get other stuff
to work at all... I lost my XAWTV capability and can't seem to resolve
all the necessary dependencies...lol. Just seems that stuff such as V4L
and linuxvideostudio are broken, all that which I just had working.

I'll wager by the end of the day I'm back on STABLE. ;)

Thanks for your reply.

